One in 8. That's how many people will get cancer.
I know more then 8 people, and none of them have cancer.
Maybe they mean if you followed 8 people, from birth to death, one of them will get it.
If I had a party with all the people I know, there would be at least 75 people, and none of them have cancer, but me.
Maybe the statistics for those my age would be different, like one in 40, one in 60, one in 100?
I think God has a special message for cancer patients, He wants us to take the time to prepare ourselves for departure, to want us to linger in the moment; the long, long space of time between now and then. He is teaching us something, as well as those around us. How deeply our life is affected, in so many individual different ways, both good and bad.
I imagine having a party to celebrate my cancer.
It seems so contrary yet not half bad idea. It could be a party to celebrate my life and those around me. Everyone would want to come. It would be like having your first birthday party.
Hey hon...this sounds very very difficult for you. Tell us more. What's the story, tell us about how you are feeling, what's happening?
Sounds like you need some support here. You are in my thoughts hon...do share more
I am sorry that you are going throug this and feeling so alone.
I can't say I know how you are feeling but I can try to understand.
Take care
I'm here from Jo's.
I try to but can't imagine what it must be like to have this but I can imagine at some point the feeling to stop fighting and to start celebrating. Celebrating all that I am and have had and my friends and experiences.
A first birthday party sounds like a fabulous idea :-D
The trouble with this western world is that us humans we do not have peace with the cycle of life. It is impossible when we are promised life and told how sacred it is. This is so, but we are not given the chance to also accept that death is part of life and even less so to make sure that if we have a near date of departure that we can make the most of it, come to terms with it and to celebrate.
You have written some beautiful and heartfelt words on both your blogs and I like the way you have illustrated them. May you have some beautiful and happy times ahead. Peace.
i am so so sorry for what you are going thru. i have only taken care of family memebers who have gone thru it so i don't exactly how you are feeling i can only imagine from what i have witnessed. i live in surprise, az and if you would ever like to talk i will give you my email! hang in there and i will be praying for you. i think a party to celebrate your life and who you are is a wonderful idea. a celebration of you!!!
Hugs you.
one death is a tragedy. a million is a statistic.
do you accept passing? are you assured of the beyond?
i am not afraid of death, though i hope i am far from it.
I appreciate all the words of support. I enjoy having this forum to express my deepest, rawest experiences. Having the opportunity to pour myself out is the best chance I get to let go during my more challenging moments.
Generally speaking, I do not feel too bad. I offer my words as they come, in truth. It is a release and not necessairly something that stays with me at all times. Feelings pass through, as the process unfolds, and this life moves on. God bless you all!
Hey GG,
Thanks for the comments on my blog and what a beautiful pair of blogs you have.. As for the words, let them pour... It is one of the best ways I find to release all that rage, fear, pain and grief.
Cancer is difficult, scary and loaded with taboos and awful connotations. It is also ephemeral and transient and doesn't need to kill you..THERE, I said it....
Rant, rage, and be free....
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